Fantasy Warrior 3D-Error

Hi, I just compiled Fantasy Warrior 3D for Win32.
I included (cocos + external + extension) folder in “framework/cocos2d-x” folder.

The error comes:
FLAGS_RENDER_AS_3D is undefined on file: “BillBoardLable.cpp, line 137”
getDepthInView is not a member of cocos2d::Camera on file: “EffectSprite3D.cpp, line 352”
IntelliSense: identifier “_backgroundListener” is undefined on file: “EffectSprite.cpp, line 38”

I used VS2013.
Is something wrong with my setup or anything?

Make sure to sync the cocos2d-x submodule to the latest one.

yeah, you are right. I forgot to update that one. Ty nite.