Failed to get the default value of speed in class "newclass"

i was following a tutorial i follow it like a book and i got an error which i have no idea what could have cause it
it says:
Failed to get default value of “speed” in class “NewClass”. If using TypeScript, you also need to pass in the “default” attribute required by the “property” decorator.

the code i used:

const {ccclass, property} = cc._decorator;

export default class NewClass extends cc.Component {

speed: number = 10 ;

     onLoad () {


    start () {


     update (dt) {


not only that but i am also unable to set the value in cocos creator as it should
it should appear a box where i set the value for each individual zombies but the box is not even there.

please explain me why i got this error, what could have caused it and how to fix it.

I tried your code in 2.4.9 and it didn’t report you this error. Under what circumstances do you report the error?

Hi, if the problem is solved, please reply.

i updated to 3.5.1 and wrote the properties with different way and it worked
i wrote em as:


public speed: number = 10;

it can be closed now…

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