Facebook invite

I’m using sdkbox facebook for invite friends to play the game.
According to the documentation: Facebook with C++ - SDKBOX
I could use inviteFriends:

The problem is, I can’t generate app_link url. The links in the tutorial doesn’t work:


The documentation is out of date maybe? @slackmoehrle
If this method is deprecated, how can I invite friends through sdkbox-facebook?

I would like to use a generic invite dialog. I don’t want to develop my own invite dialog using requestInvitableFriends and inviteFriendsWithInviteIds.


@yinjimmy can help with your concerns and updating the documentation.


The App Invites feature has been deprecated.

Ok, then, I can’t invite friends that not installed my app…
I’m wondering why I integrate the game with FB if I can’t do it.

requestInvitableFriends doesn’t work either.