Facebook Instant Game - Layout Issuse

Hello everyone,
I need help with this issue on Facebook Instant Game, there was a strange screen with black banner on the top of the screen appeared before loading Game Home page (See attached)

i have same issue i hope they share any information to help us solve this kind of problems
i reduced it a little bit but still happening for second
@slackmoehrle sorry for mentioning you but sometimes we can’t understand what happening inside the engine without your help Thank you

No problem.

We can ask @jare to have a team member look into this.

What version of Creator is being used?

i always update to the latest versions am using version 2.3 now i don’t remember if that problem was exist in previous versions
Thank you

I found that the black banner is a Canvas in index.html. Temporally, I set the canvas size to (0,0) and set color for the body as exactly color I used in game background.

Looking forward to an update from Cocos Creator.


Wow Thank you it works