Enum with string value in @property

Cocos Creator doesn’t handle string-typed enums in its properties, and since I needed to use such an enum (coming from an external library, which I couldn’t modify) to create a dropdown in the inspector, I searched for a solution. After searching in this forum, I couldn’t find one, so I rolled up my sleeves.

It’s possible to generate a copy of the enum by removing the string assignments:


export function createEnumCopyWithoutString(
    originalEnum: Record<string, string>
): Record<string, number> & Record<number, string> {
    const enumCopy: Record<string, number> & Record<number, string> = {};
    let index = 0;
    for (const key in originalEnum) {
        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(originalEnum, key)) {
            enumCopy[key] = index;
            enumCopy[index] = key;
    return enumCopy;

If we have an enum:


enum Example {
    a = 'aaaaa',
    b = 'bbbbb',
    c = 'ccccc'

and we want to use it in a @property, we can do:


const ExampleWithoutString = createEnumCopyWithoutString(Example);

export class TestEnum {
    @property({ type: Enum(ExampleWithoutString) })
    public readonly exampleEnum = ExampleWithoutString.a;

If you need to use the string value, you can simply use Example[ExampleWithoutString[this.exampleEnum]], which will return 'aaaaa' if this.exampleEnum === ExampleWithoutString.a.

Hope this helps someone! :slight_smile: