Editbox input area position

Hey all,

I’m in need of some help, I’ve got to reposition the input box that creator brings up when attempting to input text in an edit box.

Right now, if you tap an editbox in Android or iOS. The device keyboard is brought up and a white input box is attached to the top of the keyboard. What I’ve been tasked with is to combine the input box and the edit box into one. Similar to what you see when building for web.

Here’s a brand new test project with an editbox in it.

On Android, if I tap into the editbox. The whole app slides upwards and a keyboard and input box appears at the bottom.

What I need, is that white input box to be in the field that the user taps on, like this(image created using photoshop):

Is that possible? If so, how? I’m really at a loss here. Please help! Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


did you succeed?
if you succeeded you can tell me how you did it?
is there a way to eliminate it?