EditBox anomaly


[Cocos 3.8.2] When I use a vanilla (no code applied, etc.) EditBox and test it, I have two different results. The Browser test works perfectly, but the Simulator test displays a box in the color of the placeholder label over the background sprite. Does anyone know how to solve this? I took screen recordings to show what’s happening.

Browser video

Simulator Video

Move editbox to a invisible area, then use sprite and label to make your own view of editbox, when touch your editbox use EditBox.focus() to start input. Listen input event and show input data by change string of label.

What’s happening is when the Editbox is focused in simulator, the rectangle you’re seeing in my video is the placeholder label. Do you know how to fix this without major changes?

Bump - Question still not answered

It seems in current version, released windows app has more bugs than other platform, so maybe final solution is using web-mobile + election. This is also how other developers release windows app.

Thank you! I wish this was more straightforward than it is…