Edit of prefab doesn't affect its nodes on the scene

Hi all!
When I editing prefab, all nodes what were added to the scene before, aren’t apply new editions.

For example:
1: I created prefab, added its copy to the scene.
2: I go to edit of prefab, did some changes and save.
3: Copy of prefab was added to scene isn’t apply changes.

Is it right? If I will create full level by a lot of copies, and I need for example change the color, what should I do?


I just checked prefabs in Unity and their changes are apply.

Ok, I found about “Auto Sync and Manual Sync”, but for me it looks very limited. For example:
I can’t change properties for scripts for any of instance if I use “Auto Sync”, it applies for every even for prefab.

I have suggestion, for it will look better:

Just make “Auto Sync and Manual Sync” for every property and components, so user can choose what should be “Auto Sync”.

For example:

I create level where 20 same units from prefab, but they should have different move direction.
They have script what receive direction, but I want this units to be “Auto Sync”, for example If in future I need to exchange unit’s sprite.

1: I can’t use “Auto Sync”, because directions will be the same for all.
2: If in future I need to do little changes for all, but not affect direction, I must exchange sprite for all 20 instances.

And it is just little changes. What will be if whole game will be completed, there 50 levels, and I just need exchange sprite?

Ya, I would like to know what is the goal function of CC’s prefab.

It’s now basically either a “duplicate” object and becomes totally Un-linked with the convenience of a “revert option”.
When Auto Sync is On, it’ll always Revert to original object (except XYZ position)

Not sure if it’s meant to be like this, or bug?