Does convertToWorldSpaceAR() calculate according scale of Node?

Hello , guys, i do use Creator 2.4.6, web-mobile.
question is - Does convertToWorldSpaceAR() calculate according scale of Node ? seems not, or i doing something wrong?

        var grid_pos = this.grid_node.position;
        var tile_related_pos = center_tile.convertToWorldSpaceAR(grid_pos);
        var w_pos = this.grid_node.convertToNodeSpaceAR(tile_related_pos);

So if i change the scale from to non 1 of this.grid_node , then w_pos calculated not correct.
What should i do then? any help much appreciated.

UPDATE: i guess i have same issue

Sorry, I don’t understand what you want? Can you provide a demo to see?

alright, i will do a demo ASAP.