Does cocos2d-x support PNG-8 support

Hello everyone im using texture packer to make my spritesheets and its telling my I should make it PNG-8 to decrease the size of the file, but I don’t know if PNG-8 is supported by cocos2d-x and ios and android does anyone have any experience with this ?

@IzzyJM I don’t mean any offense by this, so please don’t take it as such. You have a habit of creating posts about things that you could so easily test yourself, quite literally, taking a few minutes of your time to test if something works or not. Instead of doing that, you’re putting onus on other people to give you the answers, or test things out for you.

If you try something, and come across a problem, then asking for help is perfectly fine, but at the moment you seem to want answers before you’ve even attempted it yourself.

Now, to answer your question, PNG8 does work, but if you ever want to encrypt your assets in the special format Cocos2d-x provides, they won’t work. Also, try RGBA4444 and see if that format is acceptable for you.


To be honest, when I see all your posts, I know I can’t possible take the time to reply to them all and reply to others as well. :frowning:

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I am afraid R101 is correct. Your floods of very simple questions are not nessesary and may even waste your time in comparison to a simple look in the docs

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Sorry for flooding the forums guys , from now on I will only post if I’ve tried something through trial and error and googled possible solutions and can’t figure it out then i will post and ask for help :grin: