Did Geometry Dash use the concept of TileMap?

I want to know if Geometry Dash uses TileMap or if it uses different type of strategies?
If there are different strategies to make a platform game like Geometry Dash. What are those?

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Nope, not TileMap =)


Wanna share what you used? Physics engine? Level Helper? All custom? Do you have a dev blog? :smiley:

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Don’t have a dev blog, but its all custom. Pretty much just built using sprites and arrays, so nothing advanced.


Thanks for reply
Is it like number of sprites creation then runaction using sequence and then destroy?

No actions. All objects are created at start and positioned in a layer. They are then added and removed from the parent based on where the player is. The player is moved (simple scheduled update) and I change the layer camera to follow the player.

You can build most things with pretty simple tools/code =)


Awesome Job :slight_smile:

For moving Player action has to be used right!

No, there is really no reason to move the player using actions. Actions are very good for some effects, but not the main movement. Using actions everywhere just overcomplicates things.


I read somewhere that using Actions actually takes a little time to initiate. So if you’ve many different actions stitched together just for the movements of the main thing(like player) in the game then it may not look as effective as what @Zhenmuron is saying that you must use setPosition in update function to move the player . But it is not true for every game. But you must implement keeping this in mind.

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Thanks for reply
I am novice but now I am learning things.
Thanks again
as @catch_up said I am gonna use setPosition in update function