CS Bachelor thesis - Some questions

Hello guys, I’m Roger and I’m finishing my CS degree and my project involves computer graphics, because of that I’m searching for a suitable library/engine to aid my needs.

I have some questions for the community and I hope you guys can help me, but first of all let me say I’m sorry if this post is not in the appropriate place.Well if I end up picking cocos I’m going to use c++ :stuck_out_tongue:

What versions of OpenGl are supported?
What is the binary size of cocos2d-x in a built application (with only the modules that are used for windowing, graphics and input)?
How easy is to render with cocos2d-x into WPF?
Do you know if cocos2d-x was used in any relevant non game project?
I’m searching but I really don’t want to miss anything important.

Best Regards, Thank you.

  1. ELGS 2.0
  2. mine is 20 megs
  3. no
  4. i have used it for non games, better that ADT

Cory Trese wrote:

  1. ELGS 2.0
  2. mine is 20 megs
  3. no
  4. i have used it for non games, better that ADT

cool, thanks.

there is no support for the other opengl versions? only ES?

thanks for your input!