Creator 3.4.2 build web-mobile error "cconb" files

Hi, I have downloded the latest Cocos Creator v3.4.2 recently
I created a new project from example game “Taxi”, then build it to webmobile
I uploaded the game to a host & test it via Chrome
But the game failed to load because of some “*.cconb” files get error 404 - file not found

I know that the files are still there but my host don’t serve file extension like “.cconb”. it’s a strange extension

Did anyone experience this problem with Cocos 3.x?
Is it a problem of Cocos to build out some strange file extension that can’t be served by common hostings?

PS: I can’t play the game locally because of Chrome CORS policy problem loading local files

I guess your host server is forbidden this file format, can you check it or change another type of server ?

So is changing server that the only solution?
It’s my company’s server so I have no other choice.
Do you have another walkaround or trick to fix that?

You can contact the server’s maintainer to change the setup, normally it’s just a white list configuration

Perhap my company will consider using another egine to make H5 game next time
Creator makes it hard to deploy to normal servers cause of stuffs like this.

I also reported this internally, we are also considering change the file extension to bin

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That’s great!
I will keep looking for the next release.

Same problem here, but allowed .cconb on the server through server admins. Easier of course if it would be .bin or some common file extension, but not a blocker or a reason to change game engine in my opinion.