Cocosbuilder cocos-html5 example

I’ve just posted a public repo of an example using cocosbuilder and cocos2d-html5 using the unified release of Dec. 5th.

It is available at:

There are two alterations to the CCBReader code as noted in a previous post ( to avoid having to use the jscontrolled flag in cocosbuilder.

This example uses the same code base but will resize based on orientation and size (supports an ipod and ipad sizing). It should be able to be run on most browsers (haven’t tested on IE :slight_smile: ). The example also uses the CCScrollView dynamically to create lists.

It is sparse on documentation (there is a readme) and on comments (the code is fairly small).

Hope this helps anyone going down this road.



I just downloaded and it worked fine for me.

It will be really helpful when I want to build something that uses CocosBuilder

