CocosBuider is still living

I’ve analysed some Cocos2d games that were released in the last time. The games still use ccbi files.

Is CocosBuilder living yet?

This is a Cocos2d-x and related forum. Cocos2d would be here:

CocosBuilder (not SpriteBuilder) is toolbox to create games with Cocos2d-x & Cocos2d-JS. Development of CocosBuilder was stopped in 2013. But some studios still use this tool in game development.

I’ve analysed games made with Cocos2d-JS and Cocos2d-x. I was surprised that games use ccbi files. These games are not old, games were released in 2015.

Sure, but I am not sure how many people here know about it. It might be better known on the forums I mentioned.

Here is the GitHub repo:

It looks like Viktor updated it 4 days ago. I am honestly not sure how active it is or what the plans are for the future.