Cocos2dx, I am newbie(beginner)! What should I know first?

I am new in programming, and new in cocos2dx. I want to create games for Android and iOS! Can you tell me please, how should I start properly, what books should I learn first to programming in cocos2dx, and maybe videos? (Is 2012-2015 books is good for studying, or they are old?) I don’t know any programming languages but I understand that C++ is good one for coding in cocos2dx. Please help, as I understand that I need good advice to start properly.

Thank you all in advance,

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I replied to your PM you sent me with more details, but just for everyone else, please start here:

I’m in a similar position. I’m just getting started. The first thing I tried to do was get the samples from working, but I’ve had no luck. With manually downloading the liquidfun library into the liquidfun sample, I can compile it, but when I run it I get a black screen. I assume this is because the samples are out of date, but now I’m unsure if I trust sample code and docs I find - they could be completely out of date!

I’d be keen to know what resources you found…


Use cpp-tests for examples of every feature the engine offers.