cocos2dx 2.0.3 CCBReader Crash on 64-bit

I have a game that was made in 2.0.3. Since the game is huge, it is not feasible to port it to a new version of cocos2d-x. Also, since I am using CocosBuilder, porting the code to a new version of Cocos2dx would also require creating new ccb files which is also very time confusing. Having said that, I have replaced all the files from this commit:

but the game is still crashing. It crashes when trying to load a ccbi file. It crashes at CCNode::stopAllActions(). When it crashes, m_pActionManager is NULL, but even if I put a null check above it, it crashes on the line on which the NULL check was made. Any idea why this is happening and a possible solution to fix it?

Bump! Anyone?