Cocos2d-x v4 missing .xcodeproj file after installing

I download Cocos2d-x v4 and create a new C++ project by terminal. But after installed, I don’t find the .xcodeproj file on proj.ios_mac folder. What’s the problem? How to open the project with Xcode now? Tks :3

I’d suggest reading the docs, as things have changed. You now need CMake.

There are posts about this already too.

After creating your project my_game with the cocos command line tool:

cd my_game
cocos compile . -p ios -sdk iphoneos

…lots of output, and finally an error about signing…

open ios-build/my_game.xcodeproj

I’ve been creating a bit of a personal how-to here with some other v4 gotcha’s on Xcode -

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