Cocos2d-x V4.0 released

Does anyone know how to add push notification capabilities to the xcode project generated by cmake?
I’m refering to this:

I tried the following with no success:
set_xcode_property(${APP_NAME} PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS "YES")

Googling hasn’t been of much help.

I need to upgrade one of my projects to v4.

  1. I’ve noticed that installing v4 writes a few lines to .bash_profile. Will that impact my other existing v3 projects?
  2. I’ve red that with v4 I MUST work with cmake. Is there a way around this? Once I install cmake, can I keep working in the normal way in my other v3 projects or will this impact all my existing projects?

V4 can generate Xcode, VS, android studio projects and you can use these as expected.

V3 writes lines to bash_profile too.

Installing CMake doesn’t change anything. You can install multiple versions of Cocos2d-x side-by-side, but you can only use one at a time. On Windows, you can create a symbolic link to the version of Cocos2d-x you want to use, and I assume you can do this for Linux as well.

For example, say you have 2 installations, v3 and v4, as follows:


What you do is create a symbolic link to the one you want to use to generate a project with, for example, if you want to use v4:

ln -s /path/to/cocos/cocos2dx_v4 /path/to/cocos/cocos2dx

So now you have the following:

/path/to/cocos/cocos2dx -> /path/to/cocos/cocos2dx_v4

I assume the .batch_profile has some paths set in it, so make sure you change them to point to /path/to/cocos/cocos2dx

If symbolic links don’t work, then try hard links instead.

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Symlinks rule all. Best invention ever.

Any one knows?
Running into the same issue when I want to add the iCloud capability.

edit: I’ve done the following to integrate iCloud capability.
Go to your xcodeproj file, select your target -> signing & capabilities. Here you can manually add the iCloud capability and configure it. This will create an .entitlements file which you can load with CMake like this:

set_target_properties(${APP_NAME} PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/yourentitlementsfile.entitlements")

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I’m in similar situation.

I posted my problem here.

I want to know how to build iOS app for archive with Xcode.

If I set “Build Active Architecture Only” from “Yes” to “No” in Build Settings, It causes Undefined symbols for architecture errors.

Does anyone know how to fix it?

I changed “Build Active Architecture Only” from “Yes” to “No” in not only my game TARGET, but also PROJECT and all the TARGETS (cocos2d, ext_clipper, ext_convertUTF, ext_edtaa3func, ext_md5, ext_poly2tri, ext_recast, ext_tinyxml2, ext_unzip, ext_xxxhash, ext_xxtea, external), then it worked.

Thank you.

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There is issue in Label::draw(…)

All symbols are placed in _batchNodes[1], and ‘return’ in this place cause to the Label could not be drawn.
I caught the issue when changed Label string content (from one language to another, but withing one .ttf).
The Label is drawn normal if set ‘continue’ instead of ‘return’.

There is no such issue in halx99 fork :

He reimplemented Label in this part, and it works good for me.

It’s already been reported on the cocos2d-x github repo and a PR submitted here.

Very good! Thank you to let me know.

@slackmoehrle How about release v4.1 & v3.17.3 with latest submitted PRs and latest iOS/xcode support out of the box? So we dont have to manually edit any cmake file or anything else.

I’ll talk to the team.

Any chance we’ll get apple m1 support in the prebuilt libraries?

We aren’t putting out a new release quite yet. We plan to collect and address v4 issues in a future build.


Could somebody explane, why there is provided ES_AUTOHSCROLL flag for EditBox on Windows, but is not provided ES_AUTOVSCROLL ? It can be usefull in some cases to have opportunity to scroll vertically.