Cocos2d-x v3.17.2 released!

What’s your latest local commit (hash) in v3? (Sorry, but I need to ask it) Did you call git fetch?

Well I was away for few months. So what are we doing regarding metal/vulkan support ? And what cocos2dx version should I use to make my project working well on android and iphone. Last time I heard that vulkan support is added in version ~ 4.x.x.

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Metal is v4.

git tag does not have tag 3.17.2 too.

I do not have local commits, I just do pull and manually merge into my projects stored in SVN.

Yeah it’s weird but I don’t use GUI clients.

Okay, you are a SVN user. Before git pull you always need to git fetch or your local history won’t be updated. That’s why you don’t see the latest commits after your first clone.

To verify my thought, it would be nice, if you can call git describe in your cocos2dx folder and paste the output in here. Mine is cocos2d-x-3.10-3261-g9afcfa2871 (which means, that I’m 3261 commits after tag cocos2d-x3.10 on commit id 9afcfa2871 - it’s the latest commit in the master branch as of today).

Edit: Please use the command line and not any gui for that.

Edit 2: Call of git describe --long --dirty --tags will result in cocos2d-x-3.17.1-148-g9afcfa2871 (you can see, the git hash is the same, but the tag and count will be different)

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I have actually done Fetch and Pull from gui tool before, just I don’t mention since Fetch is bascially pull without merge and since I don’t have any local commits.

I done it via command line, no difference. git describe is


git.exe describe --long --dirty --tags is


I’m on windows, if it makes a difference.

That’s really weird. I double checked the git and I use Tower for that.

The strange part it, that the tag isn’t merged back into the v3 branch (left red line). Does @slackmoehrle have any idea, why it’s completely independent from the current branch? There are more commits, which aren’t in branch v3 right now within the children of 1528ea01. (Can you search for this commit id in your gui?)

That will also explain, why git describe --long --tags reports 3.17.1 instead of 3.17.2 as the latest tag in the branch.

This is a real issue, because I do use the v3 branch for development and I never get the 3.17.2 commits into my game.

I’ve been doing a fresh clone these last few hours (yes it takes my internet that long)

You can check the existence of a commit within the local branches with git branch --contains XXX (XXX is the commit id). And if you test it with 1528ea01, it will return nothing and you can check it with d09918b4 which is in v3.

This is the proof that the latest tag isn’t merge back into v3.

@zhangxm It seems that 3.17.2 hasn’t been merged back to v3? Can you look at this?

Edit: corrected version typo

I think you mean 3.17.2. It is merged into v3, you will not see the release version here:

@zhangxm thanks. Corrected. Can you look at the comment by @mars3142 above ( and other above too but @mars3142 sums up)

Some code seems to be in v3, but the tag pointing to 3.17.2 isn’t merged. That is strange. Can you explain why? You can see and check it in my screenshot and the two comments from yesterday.