Cocos2d-x C++ V3, V4, cocos2d-x-lite, what next?

@zhangxm @slackmoehrle

Could you share plans road map for cocos2d-x C++?

For me it looks like cocos2d-x C++ is in some intermediate state without clear vision what is next …
Now I see:
V4 - metal support but can not run on oldest iOS devices. Not ready/recommended for production.
V3 - latest commit on Nov 28, 2019
cocos2d-x-lite - used in cocos creator


V4 is the current branch. I’m not aware of any more updates to v3 but there might be.

@slackmoehrle When V4 will be production ready, recommended version for new game?
Currently I see many yours comments where you suggest to use V3.
“If you don’t need v4, stay with v3.”

Yes. V4 seems pretty stable to me but if you have v3 games why move them unless you need to?

When Apple releases a new operating system, do you upgrade immediately? I don’t I’m still not running Catalina on my mission critical computers. It’s just my preference.

  1. My question is not about migration/engine update etc
    I will not migrate my old games soon (most probably never :slight_smile: ).
    But I will write new game soon.
  2. My question is about cocos2dx roadmap, feature plans.
  3. Why I am asking.
    V3 development is stopped
    V4 it looks like not production ready. No support for older iOS devices. Not clear what is Android performance compare to V3. (When V4 will be production ready?)
    cocos2dx-lite - cocoscreator only

There could still be updates to v3, I don’t actually know at this point.

I don’t have issues with v4 as I wrote quick games to learn new techniques. I do plan to write a completely new game starting soon.

The older devices, I’m not sure how much of an audience is lost. I think this depends. When I see who is playing my games it’s all devices that are relatively current. I imagine some games need more compatibility with older devices or maybe the developer are just trying to maximize audience, in this case v3 is the way to go. I don’t think about selling a million copies of my games. I write them for my enjoyment and if they sell great, if they don’t it doesn’t matter because I made it for myself first. Different mindset. I’m not trying to discount your needs.

We can ask at @zhangxm to give us his thoughts.

V3 is in maintain state for a long time. V4 doesn’t have plan to support oldest devices, if you want to support oldest devices, then you can use V3. We have tested performance of V4, the performance is a little slow down, but not much, about 5%. We use performance test that created many sprites with rotations. I think V4 is good enough to write games, and we will continue to fix bugs that found. Of course, we have to put some energy on creator native too.


@zhangxm thank you for answer.

  1. Ok. So V4 is production ready.
  2. About old devices do you mean only iOS CPU chips A7+.
  3. Is Android V4 support is api level 16+ (as that was for V3)?
  4. Why new renderer is 5% slower? I thought that with metal we should be much faster on iOS and with new renderer we should be at least as fast as on V3 on other platforms.

I mean the devices that does not support metal. As i know, iPhone 5 plus+ support metal.

Yep, I think so.

On iOS it is almost the same. As we have to keep compatible with v3 as much, so we do not do best practice for metal. The best way is to remove cocos2d::Renderer, to use backend directly in engine.

Why we can not remove cocos2d::Renderer in V4?

As i said, we should keep compatible as possible. And it will take more work if remove cocos2d::Renderer. As engine heavily depends on it.

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