Cocos2d-x-3.8beta0 is released!

For us release of version 3.8 looks very promising. We have developed multiple games based on Cocos2d-x 3.3+ frameworks and had real pain with fonts there. When custom fonts was cuted out and was looking terrible, we tested our old projects with 3.8 version and seems now that issue is fixed.

Hope you also will fix issue with new Rendering Auto batch, when sprites randomly disappear from screen.

Just little worried that 3.8 release will be like 3.0x-3.2x releases - lots of bug and older framework file structure compatibility issues.

please use >cocos run -p android --android-studio to be >cocos run -p android as default
and it should be >cocos run -p android --android-eclipse as the option

Hi, what issue did you mean, can you describe it more precisely ? What’s the way you are using the framework ? How did you get the crash ?

Indeed we solved many Label related bugs in v3.8, and we are sorry they are not so good before. Thanks to the hard work of @WenHai

As promised, v3.8 is the version in which we tried our best to improve the stability of our engine, we haven’t modified old file structure nor APIs. We believe it will be a very solid version since v3. Hope you can enjoy it.

v3.8 RC0 have been released, the full release note and change log have also been updated:

Thank you :slight_smile: Is it, possible to change the direction of scrolling? Ex. If I drag the scroll bar or scroll view UP, it should go up, not the other way around.

Hi, do you have this wrapper class on github?

Why do you need this now-a-days? We have a better Audio Engine than before.

Thank you for your time.

This is why: SimpleAudioEngine cannot handle 1 music and 1 effect at the same time

Oh you are on v2. Hmm on v3 we have a new audio engine alongside SimpleAudioEngine.

Nope, I am on v3.13.1. That post is for v3.13.1 :confused:

So why not use the new Audio Engine instead of Simple Audio Engine?

I also tried AudioEngine and it has other problems like completely freezing the game when played as soon as the Scene is changed on the Director and the sound stutters wile playing the first seconds of the music. It is somehow affected by the cpu load? (unlike SimpleAudioEngine). It also cannot play looping audio perfectly (unlike SimpleAudioEngine)… Furthermore it has more delay… :expressionless:

I know there are other audio engines too. I think one is called Cricket Audio, I think.

Please report your Audio Engine bugs so we can fix them.