Cocos2d-x-3.17.1 Unable to add Lua extension library lpack

I am going to use lpack library in my cocos2dx-lua project (Cocos2d-x3.17.1)
It works very well in windows
but my project built in android mode, it has issue follow

how can i fix it
pls help me
Best Regards

Please register the lpack in

You should register the lpack in

I don’t think that will work, because from the screenshot you can see that the build is being done via CMake, and not ndk-build.

@MingJiang1988 How did you add it to your Windows build? Did you do it through the IDE, where you added the library references directly to the VS project, or did you add the references in the CMakeLists.txt?

I registered the lpack in and tried to build but it still shows same error
How can I solve it?
Please help me
Best regards

Please provide a link to the LUA extension you’re trying to use, and perhaps someone here can test it out to see if they can get it to compile.

and build with ndk

cocos compile -p android --build-type ndk-build

thanks, yinjimmy