cocos2d lua binding return vector of std::string

Hello there,
I have the following problem.
I have some fast routine that is written in C++ that returns a vector of strings.
The following code is an example that doesn’t work, when I’m building the simulator:

cocos2d::Vectorstd::string MyClass::stringTest()
Vector std::string test;
return test;

I then read that I have to use Value. I reaplced my code with

Value MyClass::stringTest()
cocos2d::Vector < Value * > result=new cocos2d::Vector< Value* >();
for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
Value part(“Value test”);
Value output(result);
return output;

and it still doesn’t work:
error: ‘class cocos2d::Value’ has no member named ‘release’.

How do I correctly construct the vector of string values and return it from a function to use it in Lua?

As soon as I published my question I found the correct way.

Value MyClass::stringTest()
std::vector result(0);//=new std::vector();
for(int k=0;k<10;k++)
Value part("Value test ");
Value output(result);
return output;