Cocos Studio and Android

How can I set up my project in eclipse or android studio?
Because when I publish the assets from cocos studio, it always opens visual studio.

I was trying to open my cocos studio project in eclipse like the tutorials said, but well I got this problem:

01:44:55 **** Build of configuration Release for project GameOfLife ****
python D:/CocosProject/GameOfLife/ -b release all
Running command: compile
Building mode: release
Using Eclipse project : D:\CocosProject\GameOfLife\
GoogleInc.:GoogleAPIs:23 is not a valid Android target platform.
Please use cocos console instead.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:/CocosProject/GameOfLife/”, line 43, in
File “D:/CocosProject/GameOfLife/”, line 28, in build
raise Exception(“Build dynamic library for project [ " + app_android_root + " ] fails!”)
Exception: Build dynamic library for project [ D:\CocosProject\GameOfLife\…/ ] fails!

01:44:56 Build Finished (took 1s.335ms)

And I see that the file from src/org.cocos2dx.lib/ isn’t working or loading.

Thanks for the help

If you’re very determined to use Eclipse this tutorial is one of the best on it (it covers Visual Studio stuff too): Cocos2dx 3.4 Setting Up Eclipse & Android & Visual Studio For Windows. But I’d advise not to use Eclipse because I’ve encountered many professionals advocating against using it because they have spent “countless hours” on working oncompatibility issues with Cocos2d-x, and other alternatives are just easier.

Oh thanks man, so if it’s not eclipse, what IDE would be better for android? Android Studio itselft?

It can be, and as time progresses it certainly can be; check out this video Cocos2d-x Android Studio. Mind the part where he mentions that for running your Android project you have one window open, and for the actual editing of the entire project you have another one.

And then there’s the also free and all-powerful Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, also great for project development and win32 application testing. (you can set up Android testing in it too but it’s easier to use Android Studio for that)

There are other IDE’s and alternatives too but probably these are the easiest, as they are also supported by Cocos.

Ok, thanks a lot. Then I’ll try to use Android Studio :smiley: