Cocos js Particle effect does not work any more

Hi, there, Happy new year

I’m using cocos js for some time, now i got a problem is that if i create a new gamemodel included a particle effect from a json file, the particle works very well, but if i reuse that object. the particle effect does not play any more, so how do I do to reuse a game model with particle effect? I’m using cocos 3.10 right now, cocos js version I believe is es5

did any one give me some advices, thx in advance

I don’t have an answer for this, but I think the last version we updated cocos2d-js is either 3.13 or 3.15. After one of those versions cocos2d-js has been static. Perhaps there are bug fixes in one of these versions to help out.

Thx a lot ,buddy, solved

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