Cocos Creator v2.0.5 released!

Cocos Creator v2.0.5 released!

Compared with v2.0.2 released recently, v2.0.5 provides support for publishing to OPPO Mini Game and Vivo Mini Game platforms, as well as a bug fix release. It is strongly recommended that all 2.0 users updateto v2.0.5. Good quality is inseparable from careful polishing. Thank you for the feedback from developers through the community, GitHub, Cocos technical services and other channels.


Detailed fixes


  • [Auto Atlas] Fix Auto Atlas default BestAreaFit algorithm can’t calculate correct atlas size problem
  • [Auto Atlas] Fixing the auto-atlas catalogue when nesting, the album in the parent directory will repeatedly pack the images in the sub-directory into the problem
  • [Auto Atlas] fixes black border problems after auto-satellite packaging (old auto-atlas needs to be deleted and re-created to take effect)
  • [Auto Atlas] Fixes the problem that the Auto Atlas Force Squared option does not work
  • [Wechat] Fixed an issue where subdomain directory names could not be modified when building WeChat games
  • [QQPlay] Fix v2.0.2 Unable to export plugin script on QQ light game
  • [Google Play Instant] Allows Default URL to be empty when building Android Instant


  • [Core] The second argument to cc.loader.loadResArray supports passing in a type array (thanks @caochao) #3312
  • [Native] Add cc.sys.getSafeAreaRect() API to get the screen security area of ​​the phone (in design resolution)
  • [Core] Fix v2.0 screen rendering effect is slightly blurred
  • [Core] Fixed an issue where the component might still be activated if the node was not added to the scene when it was destroy()
  • [Core] Fixed an issue where SpriteFrame didn’t work correctly after calling setRect()
  • [Core] Fix an error when calling cc.Texture2D initWithData() in v2.0
  • [Core] Fix issues that render components in v2.0 may still render when the node is not activated
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where the state was not updated when the Toggle component set the isChecked property
  • [UI] Fix an error when the ScrollView.content object is modified
  • [UI] Fix some problems in RichText in v2.0 may not be displayed
  • [UI] Fixed issue where the start event of PageView did not fire
  • [UI] Fixing invalid segments in Mask
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where the Stencil state was incorrect when Mask was nested
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where WebView did not trigger the load event when reading the default page
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where EditBox may report an error when switching between horizontal and vertical screens frequently
  • [UI] Fix the problem that the click event registered by once will still penetrate to other nodes in the level after the response
  • [Audio] Fix Audio’s operation on effect may affect music issues
  • [Spine] Fix Spine transparency and pre-multiplication in ScrollView in v2.0
  • [Animation] Fix an issue with animation quickFindIndex
  • [Animation] Fixes invalid issue with animation registration lastframe event
  • [Particle] fixes particle system call resetSystem() will fail
  • [Wechat] Fixed an issue where resources could not be loaded when the WeChat game cache was full.
  • [Wechat] Fix WeChat game to switch the foreground from the background, it will play the problem of unreleased audio
  • [Facebook Instant Games] Fix an issue where Retina is not enabled on Facebook Instant Games
  • [iOS] Fix v2.0 error on iOS 9 due to lack of support for ES6
  • [QQPlay] Fix the problem that the font display is too small when the font size is float type on QQ light game
  • [Google Play Instant] fixes a black screen issue caused by probabilistic jsb-adapter reloading when editing the split first package interface



v2.0.5 Windows
v2.0.5 Mac


Hello. Something wrong with creator.d.ts generated by 2.0.5

sp.Skeleton.getCurrent(trackIndex: void): sp.spine.TrackEntry

Argument should be of type number.

Also ‘Game’ (capitalized) described as a class with static memebers but exported as an object ‘game’ (not capitalized)

Thanks for your work.
I would like to know when there will be support for a video player on native platforms in the cocos creator.

Native VideoPlayer will be support in 2.1.0, in this month.

is Cocos creator as powerfull as cocos2d-x?

I think it is more powerful than cocos2d-js for sure. The tools are great and getting better with each release. There is a lot of functionality planned for the future

is Cocos Creator capable of saving images in phone gallery or desktop pictures?

Can someone from experience tell me how smooth is to port the cocos studio project to the cocos creator?

Good question! Let me talk to the engineering team about this. I’m not sure since I think it used to be that javascript could not do this due to security concerns.

Update: No, you need to write platform code to achieve this.

I don’t quite know. Let me ping the engineering team.

Update: OK, so my initial thought was correct. You can import a .csd from the File menu. However, we aren’t going to be converting any c++ to javascript code for you.

Update: No, you need to write platform code to achieve this.

@slackmoehrle What you mean by this I didnt get it. Can you please explain this. how?

You need to write code utilizing the NDK and the api it provides.

I’ve achived this before with renderTexture in that way:

var render_texture = new cc.RenderTexture(512, 512, cc.Texture2D.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888); // create render texture
render_texture.begin();//WithClear(255, 0, 0, 100, 0,0);  
this.render_layer._sgNode.visit(); // draws only this node
render_texture.end(); // finish rendering
var saveSuccess = render_texture.saveToFile("output.png", cc.IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG);

The OP asked to save to the devices image gallery not just the file system.

thank you @slackmoehrle

I have one more question in my mind regarding the cocos creator engine as if in future cocos creator will be able to save in device.

I know that I have to port code myself, but is it working the same? For example is there a timeline class working the same as in old code?

And one more question:

will things like ui::Button, ui::Text or ui::ScrollView still be used or cocos creator have its own classes for this?

I’m not hearing about classes being different. We could test something.

Man, I spent weeks porting my studio project to Creator manually rebuilding all of them earlier this year purely in Creator. I should have figured there was something like this.

Out of curiosity I tried importing the studio files now, and while it wasn’t a perfect import, it would have saved a lot of trouble.