Cocos Creator Native Compile?

When compiled natively (say, for Windows), is the Javascript converted into C++ then compiled, or is the Javascript included and executed within the binary distribution?

Javascript will be included in the distribution. It will be minimized/obfuscated but javascript will still exist in the final package just like images / scenes.

Ok – so all games are Javascript games regardless of platform, which means crappy performance. When compiled, javascript is simply wrapped into a platform specific binary interpreter/runtime.

When you compile for native platform, The gameplay logic will be javascript, the Core engine is Native C++ based cocos2d-x engine. So the performance is good on native unless you write crappy game logic .

Javascript is 10x slower across the board than compiled C++. It’s unfortunate the developers decided this route.

I understand that sentiment. Just want to provide some more insight for anybody who might check this thread later. Javascript is slower yes, but not 10x

And its’ a standard practice to have a scripting language for gameplay code and compiled languages for core engine.