[Cocos Creator 2.4] need help in loading multi image from S3

Hi, currently I working on a project which need to load .png .atlas and .json from AWS S3 to change spine animation on runtime. The spine animation with only 1 png will work but with multi png can’t work. This is the code for loading file from S3.

var atlas = filePath + this.onlyFileName + ‘.atlas’;
cc.loader.load({ url: atlas, type: ‘txt’ }, (error, atlasJson) => {

        var ske = filePath + this.onlyFileName + '.json';
        cc.loader.load({ url: ske, type: 'txt' }, (error, spineJson) => {

            var image = filePath + this.onlyFileName + pngFileType;
            cc.loader.load(image, (error, textures) => {

                var asset = new sp.SkeletonData();
                asset.textures = [textures];
                asset.textureNames = [this.onlyFileName + pngFileType];

                    for (var i = 2; i <= sameFile; i++) {

                        image = filePath + this.onlyFileName + i + pngFileType;
                        asset.textureNames.push(this.onlyFileName + i + pngFileType);

                        cc.loader.load(image, (error, textures) => {

                asset.skeletonJson = spineJson;
                asset.atlasText = atlasJson;
                skeleton.skeletonData = asset;

Any one know how to load multi image for spine?