Cocos Creator 2.4.3 camera.getWorldToScreenPoint is offset on mobile

I’m making a project where I’m trying to place a sprite in canvas over a 3D object in 3D space. The code attached to the sprite looks something like this:

    update (dt) {
        const position: cc.Vec3 =;
        this.node.setPosition(this._canvas.convertToNodeSpaceAR(new cc.Vec2(position.x, position.y)));

While it works perfectly fine in browser on desktop, when I run it on mobile the sprite is significantly offset (the sprite in question is the white square crosshair and the target is the red cube):

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? (241.5 KB)

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@slackmoehrle @huanxinyin @jare could you check this issue

I am happy to ask engineering to look at this topic. Give them a bit of time.

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@QuickArgentum Use new API to fix it, try this code. (966 Bytes)


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