Chartboost (Cocos Services)


I want to use Chartboost to monetize my app. Chartboost is a cocos services partner. I am searching some documentation on how to use chartboost with cocos2d-x. But I am unable to find something in the documentation or wiki. Can anyone help?

Thanks! :slight_smile: - it must help

Chukong is the reseller of ChartBoost in China. So ChartBoost has been integrated into Chance AD.
But we still have no direct integration with ChartBoost or Change AD in cocos2d-x today. This would be done in the new product “cocos”.

Thanks for answering! Do you know if the new product “cocos” get’s his own forum or support pages? I am not sure if I really should ask stuff which conernes “cocos” at

This tutorial is too old. It uses cocos2d-x v2. Here is an example for cocos2d-x v3 integration but it’s also not working because the jansson-stuff isn’t building on VS 2013 Express. Meh.

Could anyone provide a good tutorial which is working? … It’s a little bit strange when on Chartboost is introduced but it’s not working with cocos2d-x.

Hi, i come across this thread as i was searching for help in chartboost integration with cocos2d-x v3. If you still need help, or anyone looking for help should go here:

It is a c++ wrapper that work for iOS and Android using cocos2dx v3.2

It work on my project for both iOS and Android. The instruction is really clear as well. I used it on my project running v3.4 without any issue.

@Zac I am now using this wrapper. Sadly it’s not showing any ads :confused: It compiles and I did call:


But there is no ad on the device. Logcat says that

04-27 12:17:26.569    4797-4822/de.pitforest.grannypunch V/C2DXChartboostďą• hasInterstitial("Home Screen") is called...

Any advice?

I am using cocos2d-x 3.5

Hello Everyone,

We recently launched our Cocos Helper that helps simplify the process of integrating external frameworks such as Chartboost with Accompanying video tutorials:

I know. Sadly your cocos helper chartboost integration doesn’t have something like preloading ads and videos. It also doesn’t have callbacks when a ad is ready or was clicked. I tried it yesterday and today and think C2DXChartboost has more features. I was also able to fix this but need some time to post a solution.

It does preload ads and videos itself automatically. What methods would you like that it doesn’t have?

I would like to have the ability to say “play the vid / show the ad RIGHT NOW and only know, if it isn’t preloaded than don’t show it”. I want to have a very smooth player experience. That means that when the player is pushing a button than the ad should come. Not in 3 seconds, not in 2 seconds, right now! So the preload is happening when for example the scene is loaded and the ad is shown when a button is pressed.

I would also like to have more messages when a error occured. For example the network connection is slow or a disconnect happened. Through this the app could show the user a message like “turn your internet connection on”.

C2DXChartboost has this. I have callbacks for didFailToLoadInterstitial and didFailToLoadVideo and so on.

That all sounds very good, we will discuss it tomorrow as it’s 11:58pm here in the UK and see what we can do.

We have released SDKBOX, a new SDK for integrating ADColony, Chartboost, Vungle and Kochava. Google Anayltics and IAP coming. Here is the website.