Chapter 12: Physics - feedback requested

Hi Everyone.

I’m continuing to refine this chapter, but I’d appreciate feedback on Chapter 12 in the Programmers Guide.

Chapter 12 - Physics:

Please let me know what you think, if something doesn’t make sense, suggestions, etc. I’m continuing to incorporate feedback from the Physics engineer as well.



Very good writing , what im missing is , small section that explain what to do if i still want to use
plain box2d and not the buildin wrappers .
which Global Processor flag should i enable . when i compile cocos2d-x.

@Meir_yanovich - OK, this is a good idea. Let me see about adding this at the end.

ok this is in the next draft I’ll publish today. Ricardo has also provided me with some input I want to incorporate.

Maybe add gifs for the certain functions to demonstrate them.

can you elaborate? There are 4 .gifs already and this:
is going to get updated as well…

Would be good to describe basic 3D physics. AABB intersection at the least (I would be interested to know if there is a more complex intersection method based on vertices but nobody seems to answer that one.)

Also it would be good to write in a basic way about how physics works under the hood (syncing of states (positions, rotations, etc.) between the physics object and the sprite representation, etc.

Finally it would be good to describe ComControllers as they are pretty natural for physics objects.


Bit off-topic, if you want to know more about that topic you can check out this book
Real time collision detection

@gkapur AABB intersection isn’t classified as physics, it’s collision detection and a separate topic.