cc.audioEngine.playEffect (typescript, html5) [bug]


Just finish one of the tutorial “Pick up the star”.

When I try to use “cc.audioEngine.playEffect” function, typescript compiler doiesn’t saw that function. I look into creator.d.ts and also does not saw “playEffect” function in it. Ok, I just left all as is and then start the simulator in Cocos Creator and the game work like a charm. But in my VSCode were errors: ‘Property ‘playEffect’ does not exist on type ‘typeof audioEngine’.’

After that, I ran the game through VSCode: “Creator Debug: Launch Chrome”, the game does not work and in VSCode show some Errors: “DOMException: Unable to decode audio data”.

Make my issue here too

I add static function (playEffect) in creator.d.ts and the problem was gone! :slight_smile:

the version of creator the question.change a higher version.