cc.Action deprecated in v.2.3

Hi, we have converted the project in v.2.3 but we have seen that there are many these warnings:
“cc.Action is deprecated now, please use cc.TweenAction instead”

how we could resolve this?

this a sample where there is the warning

fadeOut(onFinished, scope, t) {
    if(! return;
    cc.log("Fade Out");

    if(t == undefined) t = 1.0;

    var action1 = cc.fadeOut(t);
    var action2 = cc.callFunc(()=>{

        if(this.onFadeOut != null)

        for(var i = 0; i < this.onFadeOutCallback.length; i++) {
            var o = this.onFadeOutCallback[i];
    }, this);

    if(onFinished != null) {
        action2 = cc.callFunc(onFinished, scope);

    var seq = cc.sequence(action1, action2);


many thanks for help!


We have optimized it, this is the modified pull request, you can refer to: