CC 2.0.6 - Android Back key problem still exists

Hi all,

I’m very disappointed concerning the amount of bugs. CC 2.1.0 is very unstable, I had to downgrade back to 2.0.6 that still cannot handle the Android hardware Back key. I’m still waiting to be able to release an update to my game, and there are several other games in the queue to release.

I don’t need new features, CC 1.6.x was more than enough. I just need a stable version that can compile/build for Android, but as far as I see, with every new release we just get more and more bugs.

Please fix (and test!!!) that Back key in the 2.0.x branch.

Best regards,

pls give some detail info to me about the hardware back key problem.

no one can do without a bug,also as creator.if the bugs can be accepted or not important,we will bring the priority down.
and we can not neglect the requirement of new features that some people desired,if we persist in fixing bugs and neglect push new features,then we will abandoned by time.
I hope that you may kindly understand

First of all, please read the bug history here:

and here:

Basically there was a problem with the KEY_DOWN, but it seems that the KEY_UP does not work at all now. I’m using the following code and nothing happens when I press the hardware back key on Android devices:

        cc.systemEvent.on(cc.SystemEvent.EventType.KEY_UP, function (event) {
        }, this);

Of course it works fine in the Simulator/Browser.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Hi @Big_Bear,

I can confirm that the hardware Back key works fine in CC 2.0.7.

Many thanks. :slight_smile:

Best regards,