Can't see any .so file in my jnilibs

Not working as i already told, for android can’t capture screenshot

Then you need to post more complete code. NOT just snippets all grouped together. Post your entire .cpp and .h or better yet, run cocos new ... and create a small example that shows me your problem and post it.

It is really hard to track down a problem when someone just says it doesn’t work as it does indeed work for me in cpp-tests and @R101 knows what he is talking about too. He also has given you correct feedback on how to achieve your goals.

In addition to what @slackmoehrle has recommended, you really should be debugging your application while it’s running in a simulator, or better yet, on an actual Android device. At the very least, add logging statements throughout any section of code that you think may be responsible for whatever issue you’re having (like CCLOG(…)). If you need to add them to the Cocos2d-x engine too, then nothing is stopping you from doing so, and I’m certain it will help you narrow down the cause of your problems.

Also, I fail to see what relevance the Java SaveImageAndroidJNI has to taking a screenshot, so please, look at the example in cpp-tests, and use one of the functions that we have suggested for you (in C++). Once you get that working, then it’ll make whatever you’re trying to do in Java easier (I assume, since I have no idea what that Java code is doing… it looks like it’s a mashup of code from all over the place).