Cant hear click event when move camera

I user cocos creator 2.4.3, I use canvas 3d and camera 3d. I add event listener which hear user touch end for canvas. When i edit and move camera , i click on screen , i can’t hear event touch end . Is there any relationship between camera and event listening ?

You can set canvas as child of camera, then canvas with move follow camera.

I mean my camera is not moving when playing, i just move camera when i edit scene and i can’t hear touch event listener

How do you did these? Can you show me some code, I will help you with some test.

I created test project with same problem (891.2 KB)

Sorry, The current version of the UI does not support touch in 3D mode.

Don’t you have a way to fix this problem ? Some time i just edit fov , rotation , and i can hear touch event

Hi, I’ve been having the same problem after upgrading an old project over to v2.x of Cocos Creator. The canvas, which listens for touch events, does not move with the camera. The Main Camera node duplicates itself automatically if I try to make the canvas node a child of it. And the game acts glitchy if I try to modify the position of the canvas to match with the camera’s position. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, the camera is 2D in my case and the Main Camera is currently set as the child of the canvas