Cann't create a new project on windows 10

Installed python 3.7.11 with default direction (C:\python)

In cmd: cocos2d-x\

Setting up cocos2d-x...
->Check environment variable COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT
  ->Search for environment variable COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT...
    ->COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT is found : C:\Users\lethi\Desktop\Cocos2d-x\tools\cocos2d-console\bin

->Check environment variable COCOS_X_ROOT
  ->Search for environment variable COCOS_X_ROOT...
    ->COCOS_X_ROOT is found : C:\Users\lethi\Desktop

->Check environment variable COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT
  ->Search for environment variable COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT...
    ->COCOS_TEMPLATES_ROOT is found : C:\Users\lethi\Desktop\Cocos2d-x\templates

->Configuration for Android platform only, you can also skip and manually edit your environment variables

->Check environment variable NDK_ROOT
  ->Search for environment variable NDK_ROOT...
    ->NDK_ROOT not found

  ->Search for command ndk-build in system...
    ->Command ndk-build not found

  ->Please enter the path of NDK_ROOT (or press Enter to skip):
->Check environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
  ->Search for environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT...
    ->ANDROID_SDK_ROOT not found

  ->Search for command android in system...
    ->Command android not found

  ->Please enter the path of ANDROID_SDK_ROOT (or press Enter to skip):
->Check environment variable ANT_ROOT
  ->Search for environment variable ANT_ROOT...
    ->ANT_ROOT not found

  ->Search for command ant in system...
    ->Command ant not found

  ->Please enter the path of ANT_ROOT (or press Enter to skip):

After In cmd:\tools…\bin… new snackgame -p com.lethienhoang.snackgame -l cpp -d C:\Users\lethie\Desktop

then show a message box up.that is how do you want to open py file. I pick python.exe up. Then that show a new cmd with some texts and automatically to exit. I don’t understand. I’m new member. How to fix it.

C:\Users\lethi\Desktop\Cocos2d-x\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\ 2.1 - cocos console: A command line tool for cocos2d-x.

Available commands:
        run              Compiles, deploy and run project on the target.
        gen-libs         Generate prebuilt libs of engine. The libs will be placed in 'prebuilt' folder of the engine root path.
        luacompile       Encrypt and/or compile lua files.
        gui              shows the GUI
        deploy           Compile and deploy a project to a device/simulator.
        package          Manage package for cocos.
        compile          Compile projects to binary.
        framework        Manage frameworks for the project.
        gen-simulator    Generate Cocos Simulator.
        new              Creates a new project.
        jscompile        Compile and/or compress js files.
        gen-templates    Generate templates for Cocos Framework.

Available arguments:
        -h, --help                      Show this help information.
        -v, --version                   Show the version of this command tool.
        --ol ['en', 'zh', 'zh_tr']      Specify the language of output messages.

        cocos new --help
        cocos run --help

Maybe is it 2.7.11 ?

Your first log looks like you do not specify sdk, ndk and ant.
You need to run the and copy paths to the appropriate folders to the console when it asks you, not just press enter.

Then to create a new project, try this

C:\Users\lethi\Desktop\Cocos2d-x\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\cocos new snackgame -p com.lethienhoang.snackgame -l cpp -d C:\Users\lethie\Desktop

Hello everyone,
how i can easy install cocos2d on the windows 10 ?
I can’t compile c++ code :sweat:
please help me. :pray:

What have you tried so far?