Can not open project on MAC

Hi i dev a project on Windows with cocos creator 2.0.7, using Facebook SDK, then i upload all to git then pull on MAC, open in Cocos Creator 2.1.1 but nothing happen when i press Open. If i delete the library folder then i can press open, but nothing show up, only the menu item Cocos Creator with only one option [Quit]. I can open all the example, can you guide me how to open my project on MAC?

You just open the main folder of your app, just like on Windows.

Post a picture of your main folder, expanded.

Yeah i know, i can open any example project but my project. Here is my project folder.

hmm, is your repo public? Or can you somehow let me clone it real quick to see what happens on my end? My GitHub is: slackmoehrle.

If not, perhaps we can try to figure something else out. I assume not everything was checked into GitHub, maybe there is something in .gitignore that is preventing all files from being checked in too.

Im using bitbucket, do you have account on Or i can upload my project to Google Drive and send you a private message the link.

I sent you the link via PM

You are right, gitignore do something. When download full folder it can be open now. I will check the git now. Btw if there is a error message or log that show up the error when open project it should be better.

The only missing file is local/logs/project.logs … i give it to git and my project can be open now, but stuck in “importing assets”. Maybe something with admin rights, gonna figure it out, thank ur sir

great. ping us again if you need something. I didn’t download your project from GDrive.