Can I use this shader on cocos2dx also?

Can I use this shader on cocos2dx 4.0 also?
Converted old plasma (

What is to do?
Thanks for some hints.

As far as I know cocos2dx dose do shaders but in what format it uses I not shore it doesn’t look too different from the javascript your looking at…

check the ShaderTest in Cocos Tests Dir maybe you can adapt it.

If you scroll down the comments on that page you linked, you’ll see a post with a simpler implementation of the shader:

void mainImage( out vec4 O, vec2 U )
	float t = iTime/.1 + iMouse.x;
	vec2  R =  iResolution.xy, S = vec2(160,100),
          p = ( U+U - R ) / R * S,
          q = vec2(cos(-t / 165.), cos( t / 45.))  * S - p;
    t = 1. + cos( length( vec2(cos( t / 98.),  sin( t / 178.)) * S - p ) / 30.) 
           + cos( length( vec2(sin(-t / 124.), cos( t / 104.)) * S - p ) / 20.) 
           + sin( length(q) / 25. ) * sin(q.x / 20.) * sin(q.y / 15.);
    O = .5 + .5* cos( (iTime+iMouse.y) / vec4(63,78,45,1) + ( t + vec4(0,1,-.5,0) ) *3.14 );

That’s easily adapted to Cocos2d-x v4 or the axmol fork (same code):

#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;

varying vec4 v_fragmentColor;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;

uniform float u_time; // time in seconds
uniform vec2 u_resolution; 
uniform vec2 u_position; 

const float MATH_PI	= float(3.14159265359);

void main()
	float t = u_time / .1 + u_position.x;
	vec2  R =  u_resolution.xy, S = vec2(160,100),
          p = (v_texCoord + v_texCoord - R) / R * S,
          q = vec2(cos(-t / 165.), cos( t / 45.))  * S - p;
    t = 1. + cos( length( vec2(cos( t / 98.),  sin( t / 178.)) * S - p ) / 30.) 
           + cos( length( vec2(sin(-t / 124.), cos( t / 104.)) * S - p ) / 20.) 
           + sin( length(q) / 25. ) * sin(q.x / 20.) * sin(q.y / 15.);
    gl_FragColor = .5 + .5 * cos((u_time + u_position.y) / vec4(63, 78, 45, 1) + ( t + vec4(0, 1, -.5, 0) ) * MATH_PI);

To use the shader, create the program first:

auto* program = Device::getInstance()->newProgram(positionTextureColor_vert, plasma_frag);

then get a programState from it:
_plasmaProgramState= new (std::nothrow) ProgramState(program);

Then set up the required uniforms:

_plasmaTimeLoc = _plasmaProgramState->getUniformLocation("u_time");
_plasmaResolutionLoc = _plasmaProgramState->getUniformLocation("u_resolution");
_plasmaPosLoc = _plasmaProgramState->getUniformLocation("u_position");

// Set initial values
auto time = 0.f;
_plasmaProgramState->setUniform(_plasmaTimeLoc, &time, sizeof(time));

auto resolution = Vec2(node->getContentSize()) / node->getContentSize().width;
_plasmaProgramState->setUniform(_plasmaResolutionLoc, &resolution, sizeof(resolution));

// It's equivalent to iMouse in the original shader. You can use touch coordinates if you want to get the 
// same effect.
auto position = Vec2(node->getContentSize()) /  2; 
_plasmaProgramState->setUniform(_plasmaPosLoc, &position, sizeof(position));

Then schedule an update to handle the time:

void update(float dt)
    _timeInSeconds += dt;
    _plasmaProgramState->setUniform(_plasmaTimeLoc, &_timeInSeconds, sizeof(_timeInSeconds));
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