C++ Google Play integrated, StartAuthorizationUI() does nothing

I’ve just successfully integrated the C++ version of Google Play Game Services into my Cocos2d-x project, at least as far as the compiler is concerned. I’ve been working from Chukong Technology’s experimental project Wagon War. My project compiles without error, including a call to gps::GamesServices::StartAuthorizationUI() through the BeginUserInitiatedSignIn() method of Chukong’s wrapper class, GPGSManager.

StartAuthorizationUI(), however, does nothing. I’ve tried calling it before, after, and instead of running my main scene to see if my UI is covering up Google’s UI, and that’s not the problem. StartAuthorizationUI() definitely gets called, but nothing happens. I’ve set up my app on the Google Developer Console and put my app ID in the same place Chukong put theirs, and no luck. StartAuthorizationUI() runs and exits without error, but nothing happens. My game just does what it’s always done with no authorization UI in sight.

Any ideas? I haven’t quite been able to get Wagon War itself to run, which might be helpful, but I don’t see any setup in Wagon War before StartAuthorizationUI() is called that I’m not doing before I call it. What am I missing?

My mistake. Turns out it works fine when I open the app from my device. Google just won’t work when I launch the app from adb. Annoying, but I can work with it.

I’ve been working with this example as well. I have not been able to successfully compile their working example. I have been pouring through the code, however and I’ve been able to get it to compile with no errors.

However, when I make a call to BeginUserInitiatedSignIn() my app crashes. I’m wondering if it has something to do with my UI configuration. I"m curious as to what you did to implement it in your app.

If you have any tips I’m open.

Thanks in advance!