BlackBerry Simulator

I’ve been trying to get the blackberry version of the cocos2dx platform running on the simulator. The test application runs, but I can not get touch events working on the simulator.

Has anyone had any luck with that yet?

Everything works fine for me, Win7 x86+x64.

Last update of simulator remove dialog glitches, i’m totally happy now.

Thanks for the reply!

I did finally get it working last night. I’ll post a followup tonight on how I got it working when I get home as there are a few stumbling blocks to someone new to the platform.

Ok so after several days of frustration I managed to get the Simulator to accept input. Mostly I followed the instructions on the wiki, but when faced with the choice of which repository on git to download? I chose Master since it looked like the main branch. Well it turns out the “Next” branch is the one that works. I managed to get the Tests program to work properly and it is worth it I think.

Next up is the bar-descritor.xml:
This file and in fact all bar files from all the examples have paths that don’t work with the new NDK 2.0 gold. Here is the simulator snippet with the lines you don’t need commented out:

<configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.configuration.exe.debug.2088008037" name="Simulator"> <!-- <asset path="${QNX_TARGET}\..\target-override\x86\usr\lib\" type="Qnx/Elf">lib/</asset> --> <!-- <asset path="${QNX_TARGET}\..\target-override\x86\usr\lib\" type="Qnx/Elf">lib/</asset> --> <!-- <asset path="${QNX_TARGET}\..\target-override\x86\usr\lib\" type="Qnx/Elf">lib/</asset> --> <asset path="${workspace_loc:/cocos2dx/cocos2dx/platform/third_party/qnx/libraries/x86/}" type="Qnx/Elf">lib/</asset> <asset path="${workspace_loc:/cocos2dx/tests/Simulator/cocos2dxTests}" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">cocos2dxTests</asset> </configuration>

Also there is a path missing that I borrowed from the GoodCitizen example that works perfectly on the Simulator:

<!-- Ensure that shared libraries in the package are found at run-time. --> <env var="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="app/native/lib"/>

Once those were in place I was able to build the simulator binaries and they actually worked! They work very well on the simulator, only a couple tests crashed. Hopefully this helps someone else get started in BB Playbook programming.