Best Cocos Documentation for JavaScript


I just want to let people know this Documentation link: has been super awesome and super helpful in developing JavaScript games using Cocos2d-x.

I want to say good job Cocos Team and please keep this documentation up to date as the Cocos engine matures and improves with each update :smile:

As well as Cocos Creator Documentation: too
And Video Tutorials by @SonarSystems at


Hi @ efares

Thanks… :grinning: much appreciated from a newbie in programming here…God Bless…



No problem :slight_smile: I was a newbie too. In 1 year I’ve made 2 games with Cocos so far.
I also added a link to JS video tutorials.

yeah for sure sonarlearning is the best, but look like sonarlearning havent make any update yet about cocos tutorial


The Cocos community has grown immensely over the past 2 years :smiley:

Can’t wait to see what the next 2 years hold for this wonderful community

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Don’t worry, we are working on tutorials :smiley:

We have been making other tutorials, WebVR tutorials are available on our YouTube channel. We are wrapping up our royalty free platform as well so you will have access to almost all of our artwork for free.


Wow that is awesome!