Auto-complete and call tips

Is it possible to get auto-complete and call tips for Cocos2d-x C++ functions in either Notepad++ or Sublime Text?

Or any other lightweight editor/IDE for windows? :grin:
@slackmoehrle ?

You could try QtCreator.

It’s a free C++ editor that comes with Qt (gui framework). It can work with Cmake files and has a quite good auto-completion and refactoring.

Thanks, but it doesn’t seem to be free. It requires GPL?

I use QTCreator on Windows or Visual Studio.

Visual studio is a bit too heavy for me. I’ve been using Notepad++ so far.

I downloaded QTCreator and it seems fine. I’m not sure about the license though. Do I have to make my code GPL if I use it?

Well, honestly, I don’t know. QTCreator is the only thing I use out of the QT suite at this point. I used to own commercial licenses to QT when I was writing commercial software with it.

It’s a little confusing. I can’t find any details about it anywhere.

Do let me know if you have any alternatives.

The editor’s source code is under GPL/LGPL.

But as long as you don’t use the source code of the editor in your project - which I assume is not the case - everything is fine.

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Is there a way to get auto complete and call tips in VS Code?

I have been using GTAGS with VS Code … it works reasonably well.
See Required extention

I make use of Atom, this c++ auto complete package and this c++ linter package

Slick editor is slick.

Edit* Skim read the OP, oops, unsure about VSCode I’m afraid, but still recommend Atom :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried this and it doesn’t work nicely. It just pulls up the list of all possible functions/variables without checking the type of the object I’m calling on.

Does the autocomplete work properly like in VS?
I couldn’t get Qt to work either. I expected VS Code to have similar support like VS but I guess not :disappointed:

Works perfectly for in-file functions and relative includes (as far I’ve gone), but you’ll need to set up a .clang_complete file for your project if you use arbitrary include directories. Should be fairly trivial to write a script to create one though by searching for directories including *.h files in your project directory.

Alright thanks, I’ll try it right now :slight_smile: