Apply linear velocity to a RigidBody2D of type dynamic

There is a rigid body which moves from bottom of the canvas to center of the canvas.
Currently I’m doing it using rigidBody.linearVelocity = v2(x, y); and this is working fine but I need to increase the speed as the time goes on.
I tried increasing the x and y based on time, even though that increases the speed the position would change too. I need the object to move to center with increased speed.
You can check the fruit ninja game. At start the fruit are thrown slower but later it gets faster.

I think you need to use Easing functions and something like this Curve Editing View.

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How can I apply this to decrease speed?

Right now I’m changing gravity and linear velocity accordingly to increase speed. Please do reply if there is other way to achieve it.

I don’t think this approach is consistent with how physics works, perhaps it is possible to simulate throwing objects by applying a force or impulse

Can you provide a code with a small example. I’m not sure how to do that.