Android Studio compile error

Hi, I got multidex error after upgrading to cocos2dx 3.15

So i had to use android studio and now i am compiling from android studio i am getting this error…

Execution failed for task ':Fun:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.
> duplicate entry: retrofit/android/AndroidApacheClient.class

Really stuck with so many errors from past few days…

Please, Please help…

@zhangxm Do you have thoughts?

I haven’t met similar issue. Is there are more than one built?

I was thinking that perhaps the path contains more than one class, found someplace in it.

No it has only 1 class…Already checked that…

I think you modify the gradle file right, because is not part of engine. Could you please show me what you modified step by step?

I had this issue before when I use SDKBOX, which included twitter SDK into my game. Try to add something like this to gradle:

dependencies { compile(‘’) { transitive = true; exclude module: ‘retrofit’; exclude module: ‘support-v4’ } }