[Android - iOS - Win8 - WP8] Jungle Jump - Jake's Adventure (New better jetpack joyride :P)

Hey guys, sorry for the catch title, but in fact we want to just talk a little bit about our last game at Naked Monkey Games!
Download Junge Jump - Jake’s Adventure!!!

This was our first project using cocos v3, C++, and has been amazing! Great performance, amazing graphics!

We have used custom shaders to change the HUE of our sprites and have used a lot of particles as well as infinity scrolling parallax!!!

Not just that we have added and adaptive graphics quality that lower the graphics in case the FPS it running low, and higher the graphics otherwise!

The level generation is also procedural and creates an unique experience each time you play the game!

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Kind regards,

nice~~~ the video scene transition effort is good.

if you play the game you will notice that we have used our custom shader to delivery a similar effect :smiley:

A big congrats on such a polished game. I become a fan and will download it soon. :smiley:

And I love to know how you handled this. :wink:

Thanks for the support!!!

It was not that hard, but needed to be smart :P… we catch the current FPS and if it’s lower than our thresholds we just lower down the graphics, and vice-versa…


U mean when all the graphics are loaded in the scene and after then u check the graphics and then u load the lower resolution graphics but on the go, I mean when game is running?

In fact is in runtime. Nevertheless we take the reset of the game to adjust this to make it smooth for the user.

This allows us to reduce the graphics if the FPS goes down only in a specific area, but the overall game look will change after a restart.


You mean suppose the game starts and after loading the resources but not displaying, FPS is checked and then if it is lesser than threshold then lower res. graphics are loaded.

Oh, actually I was talking about like suppose the game perfrmance starts degrading while playing because of some reasons, then how this can be achieved without interupting the game play!

You people made really nice game. Did you try marketing it for more downloads. I hope more people will love the game.

we did some marketing, but as our budget is short we have stopped. It is really sad that this game don’t get the attention "/

In fact we would love to develop more levels and even a progression to each player. But no money, no food :frowning:


You could try marketing at facebook or organic downloads that some companies provides but their price is arnd $200-$800, a day according to the location u want downloads and they says that downloads can be pretty good .