Android does not quit cleanly when calling Application end

I saw this post about memory leak when closing the app, I realized my Android app does not close properly too.

So I did a fresh app helloworld , with just a quit button that calls Director::end. When I press quit, the application closes but when you go to the Android apps, it is not closed properly.

Did u notice that too?

Cocos2dx 3.17.2

@zhangxm can we check if this will be fixed in 3.18?

No, cocos2d-x is not designed to be used like this.

@zhangxm ok, thank you.


Sorry, what do you mean. I’m not using like the above. I’m just having a hello world, and it will not quit properly.

Please try and press “Exit”, and you will see it still remains in background tasks.

@overcocos got it, i fixed in

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