After packaging the Android App, the game cannot drag pictures

After packaging the Android App, the game cannot drag pictures. Everything is good in mobile phone web and PC web.
debug info:
Touch pointer move a lot. The moving distance of X is:18.725037, limit is:40
The moving distance of Y is:46.350098, limit is:40
2024-03-25 16:01:11.672 20653-20653 WebViewDragEnhancement tech.hongdong.threeInOne D dragReset.

在android 10上运行也是一样。 NodeEventType.TOUCH_START不行。Button.EventType.CLICK正常。

You can try to confirm whether this will happen in new projects and new scene.

Listening to the three events TOUCH_MOVE, TOUCH_START, and TOUCH_END at the same time reappears. It’s normal to only listen for TOUCH_MOVE.