Accessing the Main Scene / Layer from a class

I have 3 different classes Tree, Fruit, and Basket. Each of them have their own CCSprite member that I access through getSprite( ) ( each class has its own getSprite( ) ). Also, each class has a draw( ) method which sets the CCSprite’s texture, position, and other CCSprite related stuff. When I make an instance of these classes, I always need to addChild( ) each of these sprites in the main layer. Nothing’s actually wrong with it but I want it so that each draw( ) method would be the one handling the addChild( ) method to the main layer.

My code is like this:

// Tree.cpp
#include "Tree.h"
#include "cocos2d.h"

using namespace cocos2d;

Tree::Tree( ) {
   draw( );

CCSprite * Tree:getSprite( ) {
   return m_TreeSprite;
void Tree::draw( ) {
   m_TreeSprite = CCSprite::create( "tree.png" );
   m_TreeSprite -> setPosition ( 100, 100 );

 * The other classes have similar structure. Will take a long long post if I write them all.

// MainLayer.cpp
void MainLayer::drawScreenObjects( ) {
   m_Tree = Tree( );
   this -> addChild( m_Tree.getSprite( ) );

   m_Basket = Basket( );
   this -> addChild( m_Basket.getSprite( ) );
I want it so that the draw( ) method could look similar to this:

void Tree::draw( ) {
   m_TreeSprite = CCSprite::create( "tree.png" );
   m_TreeSprite -> setPosition( 100, 100 );
   MainLayer -> addChild( m_TreeSprite );

Solutions I am thinking of are

  1. Passing references to the MainLayer to every class and have a member variable hold that reference.
  2. Making all classes inherit from CCNode so that they can have children of their own.

Any other possible solutions? I just feel my current setup is dirty and unstable. Thanks in advance.